Wednesday, October 24, 2012

October 24

We started looking at the residential school system today. We started a film study on "Where the Spirit Lives" today. We will finish this film tomorrow, and then you'll write a quiz on it. Don't forget about your Unit 2 WRA I on Monday. Your Imperialism Research Project is due on Monday as well. Your Unit 2 Final Exam is on Tuesday, October 30th, please see the study guide here (scroll down to find it).

We continued our examination of Napoleon today. I delivered a PowerPoint lecture on "The Napoleonic Age" today. This PowerPoint presentation is already on the wiki under Unit 5: The French Revolution and the Napoleonic Age. I also showed you a video from the History's Turning Point series on Napoleon's Invasion of Russia. We'll talk about the Congress of Vienna tomorrow. You have a test on Wednesday next week on Unit 5 material.

(If you don't know some of these terms, I have posted a glossary of key terms for the French Revolution and Napoleonic Age on the IB 20 wiki, under Unit 5)

2. Other study tips:

  • know the causes of the French Revolution (short term, long term, economic, political, social, intellectual)
  • know the structure of French society during the Old Regime
  • know Napoleon's domestic policy
  • know Napoleon's foreign policy (Continental System in particular)
  • know key battles in the Napoleonic Wars (results of the Battle of Trafalgar, Russian campaign, the Battle of Leipzig, and the Battle of Waterloo)
  • know chronology of key events in the French Revolution
  • know the chronology of key events in the Napoleonic Age
  • know the key players at the Congress of Vienna (country and representatives)
  • what were the major decisions of the Congress? what were the guiding principles at the Congress of Vienna
  • know the 19th century political spectrum (please see the graphic below; values and characteristics of the various positions on the spectrum; what groups are represented on the various positions on the spectrum?; what phases/accomplishments of the French Revolution are represented on the spectrum?)
3. Study the 19th century political spectrum (click on the graphic to enlarge it). KNOW it EXTREMELY well. Knowing the 19th century political spectrum now will help you later on this semester when we get to our units on Democracy and Dictatorship, and it will help to know it for the Social 30-1 Diploma Exam.

I talked about American involvement in the First World War for the entire period. The PowerPoint presentation that I lectured from is on the wiki already under the Emergence of the Americas in Global Affairs section of the IB 30 wiki. Tomorrow you will be writing a quiz on the Emergence of the Americas (1900-1914). This quiz has key terms from the PowerPoints in this unit and a map quiz of the Americas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Gilchrist; best social teacher NA.